A Compilation of Near Death Experiences
Since I was a young man I have always been intrigued with certain questions like what happens when we die do I believe in God ? After listening to dozens of stories of near death experiences and having one of my own I'm of the opinion that we all have different experiences although most seem to have some similarities. I will list what I have found to be some of the most interesting ones here along with a brief story of my own experience. These stories along with my own have strengthened my faith in my belief in God and Jesus even though at one time I didn't believe in much of anything. They are meant to inspire people to do right and to give hope for those who are suffering or having trouble with faith and life in general. A couple of good movies on this subject are on Tubi TV. They are Ater Death and Death and Back a 3 part series. I want to thank all the individuals who gave their testimonies knowing in advance they would be subject to being called crazy and being laughed at. The first video is Karl Falken and he has a website and an online healing ministry and is also available online on Facebook His Website houseofyefeth.com/ The second video is Jim Woofords testimony and it is also very fascinating.
In the videos above both Karl and Jim had some bad experiences at first but were pulled out to safety when
they called out to God for help. I thought they were exceptional supernatural experiences and of course many
people would probably dispute their stories based upon the little we know to be factual concerning death.
Karl pointed out that Jesus actually did look like the man who was painted by Akiane Kramarik. The odd
thing is that is the same picture that Colton Burpo who was the 4 year old in the movie Heaven is Real
also pointed out as a likeness of Jesus. Akiane Kramarik had an episode where she claimed to meet
Jesus when she was a very young girl.
Website - Akiane Kramarik
they called out to God for help. I thought they were exceptional supernatural experiences and of course many
people would probably dispute their stories based upon the little we know to be factual concerning death.
Karl pointed out that Jesus actually did look like the man who was painted by Akiane Kramarik. The odd
thing is that is the same picture that Colton Burpo who was the 4 year old in the movie Heaven is Real
also pointed out as a likeness of Jesus. Akiane Kramarik had an episode where she claimed to meet
Jesus when she was a very young girl.
Website - Akiane Kramarik
Awhile back an old friend contacted me through Facebook. We hadn't spoke or had any contact since the middle of the 70s. He is now literally a street preacher and I'll share a video of him preaching an act that in my opinion takes a lot of both conviction and courage. In my viewpoint it's amazing how little response he'getting from the crowd. https://www.facebook.com/robert.owen.944/videos/3187994011349775
The following video tells a story about a mechanic who was crushed under a dump truck.
The following video tells a story about a mechanic who was crushed under a dump truck.
Covid changed the world and this woman tells an amazing story about the horrific experience she had with the sickness and how she was saved,
I'm working on my story and will post it soon. It is nowhere near as spectaular as the ones I have either read or heard
about. I have actually read about hundreds of NDE cases and listend to dozens of them. They have made a believer out of me! I'll be putting more links here as time goes on so share this page and May God Bless You PUG
about. I have actually read about hundreds of NDE cases and listend to dozens of them. They have made a believer out of me! I'll be putting more links here as time goes on so share this page and May God Bless You PUG